Saturday, July 26, 2008

Darling little girls in the swimming pool

Amy and Ada took a dip to cool off and see how Ada liked the water. She did great, Olympics 2016 here we come!

Saturday with Family

Nate, Aaron and Benz came down today to play in the pool and chat about life. It was fun to see everyone and Ada had a blast with her uncles she does not get to see as often as she would like to. Nate has been in Philadelphia selling security systems all summer, so luckily a friend of his had a wedding and we got to see him before he is done back there.

Benz got back from teaching in Ghana recently and brought us some video and a DVD to watch chronicling his time there. Nothing like photos of mud huts, wild animals and untamed wilderness to help us realize how big the world is. We had a discussion in the pool about how much it helps our perspective to see other cultures and how other people live. It would be nice to go there someday, although I don't know how ready to leave the country Amy and Ada are, especially for Africa.

Aaron got back from New York last week so he had some good stories about his trip. All the Dalley kids were together with the exception of Christopher (in Alaska), so it was good to see everyone together for the first time in quite a few months.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Weekend at Mike and Cindy's

Pioneer Day is a state holiday in Utah, so we spent Wednesday though Sunday at Mike and Cindy's house outside Spanish Fork, UT. We played in the pool, watched movies and ate almost constantly - It would help if Brian would stay out of the kitchen in-between meals, but he has not mastered that yet. If you figure out how, please let him know.

Ada has so much fun with her cousins, Maklain, Brenner and Lawson. They make her smile, wiggle and kick whenever they make faces at her. It is a kind of contest between the two of them to see who can make her laugh the most. She is in that amazing wondrous phase where small things give her such joy and she always brings us unbelievable joy.

Necia came down from ID this week also. School is out for her, so she is spending some hard earned time with family and not dealing with school stuff. We are always glad to have her here and sometimes Ada wants her and no one else.